Friday, June 28, 2013

The New York Times (Hat Tip: James Taranto):
But in a debate that has focused largely on women, this fact is often overlooked: the majority of service members who are sexually assaulted each year are men.
In its latest report on sexual assault, the Pentagon estimated that 26,000 service members experienced unwanted sexual contact in 2012, up from 19,000 in 2010. Of those cases, the Pentagon says, 53 percent involved attacks on men, mostly by other men.

HARPER: Media misreporting rampant in Trayvon Martin case - Washington Times

 This is par for the course in the MSM.

HARPER: Media misreporting rampant in Trayvon Martin case - Washington Times

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Obama needs to take Econ 101.

One day after the president declared war on coal and committed his administration to making electricity – and, thus, just about everything else – more expensive, the 1st quarter GDP growth figures were revised down from a tepid 2.4 percent to an anemic 1.8 percent.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

According to the fawning main stream American media Obama gave an "Historic" speech in Germany, the cite of historic speeches by former Presidents Kennedy and Regan, others outside the MSM have a different view:

Saturday, June 1, 2013

If you want more evidence that the Washington Post is in the bag for Obama just look at today's headline:  "Medicare's future appears brighter- TRUST FUND'S LIFE EXTENDED 2 YEARS - Health law cited; Social Security outlook is stable", now compare that with other publications that report " Medicare will reach insolvency by 2026 while Social Security’s two trust funds will become insolvent by 2033, the program’s trustees reported Friday"  In addition, the Social Security Disability trust fund will be insolvent by 2016 the next presidential election year.  The Post took a negative story and turned it positive even claiming Obama Care ( they don't use that term) is the reason things are looking so rosy. This would be comical if it weren't so pathetic.

The Washington Post sent a representative to an "Off the Record" meeting with Eric Holder and then printed a story cleared by the Justice Department summarizing the meeting, so what I have suspected all along is now official the Post is the house organ for the Obama administration.  You can bet your last dollar that no subpoenas will be requested for Post staffer's e-mails.  The paper should now change its name to the Washington Post Democrat.