Saturday, December 30, 2017

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Where is the Washington Post When we Need IT?

The Washington Post busy basking in the glory of the past is missing huge stories under its nose because they don't fit the agenda.

Saturday, December 16, 2017


I never quite understood why Nazis are referred to as right wing, after all the term stands for national socialist party, and socialism is a left wing ideology.  I understand that the racist aspects of nazism make them right wing but their economic philosophy is definitely left wing, which makes the referenced article very interesting and shows I am not the only one confused.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

The stupidity of the media on display!

If it is true that the media is its own worst enemy here is an example of why - "MSNBC Analyst Says Its Unfortunate Voters Shape Public Policy."  In other words in her opinion it would be better if the media shaped Public Policy, because American voters cannot be trusted to fully understand the complexities of the modern day world.  The media must select which "news stories" are presented to the public and explain those selected stories in a way that they can comprehend.  It is a short jog from this view to oligarchy.

What is wrong with the media?

I recently read an article in the LA Times by Matt Welch (link below) which basically opines that the media is at war with its critics over Donald Trump, and thus has lost whatever credibility it my have had.  Jake Tapper is quoted in the article as saying "We are not the resistance.  We are not the opposition. We are here to tell the truth, report the facts..."  The media does not do this very well lately because they are in love with their own opinions and their main opinion is that Donald Trump is not their kind of President.  Look if you want to make Trump look bad it is not that hard he really does it all by himself, so just report don't opine.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Who are we?

Obama has used the phrase "this is not who we are" referring to the American people and condemning Trump and his supporters, below is a tweet (I DESPISE THAT TERM)  from a leading liberal commenting on the tragic wild fires in California and their impact on a prominent conservative, is this an indication of who we have become.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

WOW a new reason why Clinton lost-the word Delusional Comes to mind

Jill Filipovic writes in the New York Times that Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose and Mark Halperin, all fired by their employers for sexual harassment, in effect sexually harassed Ms.Clinton in their interviews of her while tossing softballs at Mr.Trump when they interviewed him, thereby costing her the election.  I just have to say - are you shitting me?

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Tax Reform - This is interesting if true

I think I agree that the current method of income tax filing is bogus, i.e. deduct as much as you can to reduce your income so you don't owe as much to the government.  Certainly tax attorneys and CPAs benefit greatly by advising people, and corporations, how to take as many deductions as possible, this certainly does not benefit people who can/t afford their fees.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

More on media bias

This is a pretty fair analysis of the media negative impact on American politics.

More Media Bias

The New York Times suspended Glenn Thrush for inappropriate sexual behavior, read what Sharyl Attkisson has to say about him and some of his pals.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Scott Pelley is a moron

When interviewing Mike Cernovich on 60 Minutes Scott Pelley asked about the claim that Hilary Clinton had parkinson's and stated "it isn't true" and claimed that she only had pneumonia.  Cernovich asked Pelley how he knew she had pneumonia to which Pelley reponded "Well the campaign told us that".  Of course, CBS believed anything the Clinton campaign told them.

Murder on the Orient Express - DUD!

Why does hollywood insist on remaking every decent move ever made?  Is it because they lack the talent to make anything original?

Lewis C.K.? Who is next?

The hits just keep coming ( no pun intended), and there is no telling how far these accusations will go, but remember they are accusations, no one has been convicted of anything, but apparently the norm in America today is that anyone accused of anything in the media is guilty.  No body has to prove anything, just call up the New York Times and make your claim by the next day someone will be out of a job.  I am not saying that the allegations being published almost daily are not true, but people are innocent until proven guilty in America, at least they used to be.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

NYT Communism was great series

Following up on the post below, the New York Times has been running a series "The Red Century" extolling the virtues of Communism, to paraphrase John McEnroe "you cannot be serious".  Unfortunately, they are deadly serious. 

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Communist Utopia According to the New York Times

The New Times columnist Nicholas Kristof is on a trip to North Korea, apparently staying in government provided lodgings, and in the spirit of Walter Durante he extolling the wonders of that Communist utopia sending pictures of pizza and amusement parks.  You can bet that Mr. Kristof will not be sending any pictures of the labor camps and bread lines, really, how seriously can any thinking person take the New York Times and its blatant hatred of Trump and love of all things Communist. 
As Gary Player recently said anyone who lives in America should "kiss the ground everyday."

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Who is in charge at DOJ?

I am confused about who runs the U.S. Department of Justice.  According to the organizational chart the FBI is far down the list of organizational components yet the FBI refuses to comply with Congressional requests, subpoenas and Freedom of Information requests, can't the Attorney General simply order the Director of the FBI to comply, for that matter can't the POTUS similarly issues such an order.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Trump and the Congressional Democrats

President Trump and the leaders of the Democrats in Congress have reached an agreement to raise the debt ceiling and provide aid to the victims of Harvey.   According to reports some Republicans in the House oppose the plan, but Senator McConnell said he would support it.  This could be an important changing point in the Congressional gridlock that has besieged Washington since 2010, there are 48 Democrats in the Senate, if you count Sanders and King, and they seem pretty well united, while the Republicans with 52 seats are sharply divided along idealogical lines.   Moderate Republicans in the Senate together with the Democrats could provide a working majority to get things done, which is what Trump wants.  It will be interesting to see if this partnership holds, while in the House the so called Freedom Caucus seems willing to derail any legislation it disagrees with to prove their points, there are not enough of them to pass anything on their own, but just enough to prevent passage of most bills.  A similar partnership between Trump and Democrats could also arise.  A two thirds majority is not necessary in the House for passage of legislation so united Democrats together with moderate Republicans could strike deals leading to passage of needed legislation.  Fingers crossed!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Charlottesville 2017

What happened to the female protester in Charlottesville was tragic, wrong place at the wrong time, like the tree that feel on a woman and her children in Central Park, except that this was not an act of GOD, it was an act of pure stupidity on the part of a human being.  Why were these people in Charlottesville in the first place?  One hate group gathered to show their hatred of human beings they deem inferior, and another group gathered to oppose them, what ensued was mayhem, orchestrated by people incapable of rational thought and discourse.  Enter the media, and as usually happens, things are blown out of all proportion (except for the death of a human being).  The media has done what it always does, play the blame game, and since the media is totally biased, they blamed one side and ignored the other side, but the first thing the media did was blame Donald Trump, because the media hates Donald Trump.  I am no supporter of Mr. Trump but he did not cause what happened in Charlottesville and his statements in the aftermath are no more blame worthy than his predecessor's statements in the aftermath of violent protests over the previous eight years.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Good to remember.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana (16 December 1863 in Madrid, Spain – 26 September 1952 in Rome, Italy) was a philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

McCain Diagnosis

It is really too bad that Senator John McCain has been diagnosed with glioblastoma, which is pretty much a death sentence.  What is not being widely reported is the fact that McCain is being treated at the Mayo Clinic, the most exclusive and renown medical facility in the country, this is particularly interesting in view of the national debate taking place over the health care available to most Americans.  U.S. Senators and Congressmen are under their own health care system, as are most Federal employees, it is a system which gives them great freedom in selecting their health care providers, as well as the level of care they receive, and includes a very substantial government paid subsidy.  The vast majority of American will never see the inside of the Mayo Clinic, but members of Congress and their staff's have that option if they so desire, complements of the tax payers.

Monday, July 10, 2017

What to make of childless political leaders?

James McPherson writing in the Washington Examiner, makes a remarkable observation: the leaders of Europe have no children. France’s Emmanuel Macron has none. Same with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British prime minister Theresa May, Italian prime minister Paolo Gentilon, Holland’s Mark Rutte, Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon, and Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission. Sweden’s prime minister Stefan Lofven has no biological children.  This is a pretty odd coincidence and it makes one wonder what, if anything, it means.  Five American Presidents were childless:  George Washington, Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, James Polk and Warren Harding.  

Sunday, June 25, 2017

What is it about the left and hyperbole?

Ruth Marcus in the Washington Post today wrote about the terrifying and terrible prospect of Anthony Kennedy retiring from the Supreme Court, really, terrifying?  This follows proclamations that millions will die following America's abandonment of the Paris Climate Accord or the repeal of Obama Care, really?  These types of alarmist declarations will do nothing to further the causes of the left because they will not come to pass.  People will continue to live and die as they always do, and New York City is not underwater as Al Gore predicted.  How about straight forward arguments and reasoned analysis, those have become anathema to the unhinged left in America.  The elitist left who look down from on high on the their inferior brethren believes the only way to win an argument is to scare the hell out of everybody.  

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Golden State Warriors Not Going to the White House?

This is what passes for journalism today:  Josh Brown of CNBC posted a story on the internet that the Golden State Warriors had unanimously voted not to accept an invitation to the Trump White House.  Brown stated that he had no idea if the report was true, he was just repeating what others had posted.
The report was completely false, the team had not even received an invitation to the White House according to team sources.  CNBC should fire this guy immediately.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Fast and Furious Congressional Report

It is nothing short of astounding that the news media in this country will not cover any criticism of the Obama administration.  Sharyl Atttkisson should have a national TV show.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Venezuela's Socialist Death Spiral

A quick perusal of the front pages of the mainstream media finds no mention of the horrible conditions in Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world is bankrupt and unable to provide basic services to its people and New York Times, et al. do not find it news fit to print.  While praising the victory of Macron in France, who is essentially a socialist, the American media refuses to cover the collapse of the socialist regime in Venezuela.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Saturday, April 8, 2017

New York Times Hypocrisy

First the New York Times claimed Trump was the pawn of Putin who helped him get elected and who pulls the puppet strings of his administration, now the Times is very concerned that the Syrian air strikes will jeopardize US/Russian relations.  Bottom line Trump can't win with the left.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Filibuster Hypocrisy!

"If Republicans continue to filibuster these highly qualified nominees for no other reason other than to nullify the President's constitutional authority, then Senators not only have the right to change the filibuster rules, Senators have a duty to change the filibuster rules."  Elizabeth Warren speech on the Senate floor November 13, 2013.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Twitter has become a metaphor for modern communication between people with a lot of time on their  hands and an attention deficit disorder.  The leading exemplar of this is unfortunately POTUS.  Trump claims he uses Twitter to get out his message which the mainstream media is ignoring, what kind of important message is contained in 140 characters?  This is the most absurd claim ever made by an adult.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Trump's proposed fy 2018 budget

The key word here is "proposed".  This is a starting point for negotiations with Congress, something Obama never did, negotiate.  I have no doubt that most of the proposed cuts will not actually occur simply because the programs are so intrenched.  Take for instance the Interagency Council on Homelessness, which "coordinates with federal agencies to prevent and end homelessness", it has been in existence for 30 years, how successful has this effort been?  Look around NYC.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

ESPN is dying!

I became sick of ESPN a while ago, I still watch games on ESPN, but its shows are crap, a bunch of has beens and never were's opining about meaningless scenarios, and making their worthless predictions.  So if it goes under I say good riddance.

Friday, February 24, 2017

"The butterfly effect"

The idea that small causes may have larger effects is being applied by a group of scientists at the University of Wisconsin and Northwester University to the question of climate change.  The theory goes, if read it correctly, is that the orbits of the Earth and Mars over time, millions of years, has had an effect on the earth's climate by influencing the amount of radiation received by the planets.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How to defeat obesity and other societal problems.

It has been recently reported that Venezuelans have lost 19 pounds on average over the past year due to lack of food, wasn't one of Michelle Obama's signature causes when she was first lady the elimination juvenile obesity?  Well here is the answer, a socialist regime that nationalizes all production and thereby reduces the caloric intake of its citizens.  I think Stalin accomplished a similar goal when he starved millions of Ukrainians thereby solving an overpopulation problem.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right"

True but citing them does reveal hypocrisy in many cases, Presidents criticize the other branches of government all the time, but how those criticisms are reported is often more revealing that what was said.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Truly Amazing!

The nattering nabobs of the left are vilifying Trump while conveniently forgetting this speech by their beloved Bill Clinton in 1995.

Thursday, January 26, 2017


CNN reported yesterday that sales of the book "1984" were on the rise since Trump's election, it is interesting to me that the left uses "1984" as an example for government control of all aspects of life taken to the extreme, a la Trump, yet it is the same people on the left who keep clamoring for a strong central government model over a more decentralized states rights form of government.  I think the framers of the US Constitution had it right (Alexander Hamilton not withstanding), i.e. limit and decentralize the power of the central government.

Who to believe?

Headline in today's New York Times:  "Mexican President Considers Canceling Trip to U.S." ;  Daily Caller Headline:  "Trump Threatens to Cancel Mexico Meeting If They Won't Pay for the Wall".

Monday, January 16, 2017

The left will never give up

First it was the Jill Stein recount in three states Trump won that went nowhere but raised a lot of money for Stein and the Green Party; then it was the electoral college and trying to get electors to change their votes; now it is the Russians who apparently are so powerful they were able to change voters minds and get their man elected; what is next?  We will soon find out, or will we?  Trump takes office on the 20th of January and he will control the government, but that will not stop the left and their lap dogs in the lame stream media from constantly attacking his credibility.  Everything Trump does in the next 100 days will be attacked by the left and their media partners, after that things will calm down somewhat while they gear up for the 2018 mid-term elections and their mantra will be to elect enough of their candidates in Congress to bring impeachment proceedings against Trump.  Pretty much the same thing happened after the 2000 election decided by the Supreme Court, Bush 43 was attacked relentlessly by the media and called names by the left, they love to label Republicans Nazis, racists and every other degrading term they can think of because they cannot win a civilized argument.  Because Democrats could not get control of Congress they were left to drift in the wilderness of their ideology until 2006 by then they were concentrating on electing Hilary Clinton in 2008.  But they never stopped taking pot shots at Bush blaming him for everything that happened in the world from natural disasters to economic failures, they have never stopped blaming Bush he is even responsible for the failures of Obama and they will never stop attacking Trump.