Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Trust the Media?

Gallop says that 4 in ten people in the U.S. trust the media and that more Democrats trust the media than Republicans, I don't find this surprising.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Gerrymandering, What Gerrymandering?

I hear a lot of BS from Decmocrats about how the GOP holds the House of Representatives through the practice known as gerrymandering, well here is an example of what the Democrats have done in Maryland.

he 6th District, which starts in Potomac and Gaithersburg and extends nearly 200 miles to Garrett County in far western Maryland, was redrawn—gerrymandered, critics say—in 2011 to boost chances of electing a Democrat; about half of the district’s registered voters now reside in Montgomery County. But Delaney, after winning comfortably in his first run, squeaked by Republican Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, by only 50 percent to 48 percent in 2014. Bongino earlier this year moved out of Maryland for a job in Florida, leaving national as well as local Republicans to eye the district.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

More Evidence of Media Bias

I have posted many instances of  the media bias in favor of the liberal/left-wing in America, here is another case of blatant support for the current leftist adminstration and its policies.  These people have no shame and defile the term journalist.