Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday, November 10, 2016

2016 Election

Pretty much everyone in the country was shocked by the 2016 election results, much of the shock came from the media who once again were prepared for the coronation of Hilary Clinton.  Media bias in favor of Democrats has been laid bare by Wiki Leaks and others as a "cancer" on the body politic in America.  What has also been revealed for all to see is the intolerance and vitriolic hatred by the left of anyone who disagrees with their orthodoxy.  Thankfully, responsible people such as President Obama and Hilary Clinton have come forward to defend democracy and the American political process which is the corner stone of our country.  Liberal Democrats are sore losers plain and simple, they are like petulant children when they don't get their way, and are unable to see how fortunate they are, as Hilary Clinton said, to be Americans.  Elections like the one we just experienced do not take place in China nor is dissent tolerated there, so instead of railing against your fellow citizens who don't agree with you, vow to defend to the death the right of all Americans to elect whomever they want to lead our country, and if you don't like the choice, suck it up, and prepare for the next election which will be here before you know it, if you act like reasonable people, maybe you can persuade others to join you in electing your choice.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The most transparent presidency

Remember when President Obama said his would be the most transparent presidency ever, you don't, well that is understandable because his has been the most obfuscating, duplicitous and dishonest presidency ever.  Not even Richard Nixon was a secretive as Obama.  If we only knew what has been going on behind closed doors in the White House these past seven years the public would, in my opinion, be astounded, maybe we will some day.  But as dishonest as the Obama administration has been, can you, in your wildest dreams, imagine what a second Clinton administration will be like.

Misusing the FOIA

The Freedom of Information Act, a so called Watergate statute, was passed so that the public could find out what their government is doing, it has nine exemptions so that what the government considers sensitive or potentially embarrassing information can be redacted from documents provided under the FOIA.  The use of the nine exemptions has become an art form at Executive Branch agencies, Congress and the Judiciary are not covered by FOIA, what has also evolved is the art of avoiding the FOIA request by creating non-government records, for instance the use of non-government computers to conduct government business.  Here is what a typical release under the FOIA looks like:

Cheaters always win!

Note to the NY Times which slamed Donald Trump's "motor mouth style" but completely missed the fact that Hilary was wearing an induction ear piece during last night's so called "town hall" with Matt Lauer - try just reporting what happened - just try it once please.  For those who do not know an induction ear piece is typically worn by actors so they can be prompted during live performances if they forget a line, I will leave it to the reader to decide why Hilary was wearing one during a live interview, oh by the way, the NYPD which handled security for last night's event confirmed that she was wearing the IEP.  Next up - will she be allowed to wear an IEP during the upcoming live Presidential debates?

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Is investigative journalism dead?

Everyday the public is treated to some new revelation in the news media, most of these reports are about the release by government agencies of previously unknown electronic communications or court ordered release of documents obtained in a Freedom of Information legal case, but where is the in depth coverage of the stories behind the leaks and legal actions.   It seems that so called journalists are nothing more than internet surfers and Googlers who don't want to do the legwork required to get behind the headlines and report about what is going on in the organizations that are conducting the business involved in the real stories.  Day to day investigative journalism is dead, reporters are now gathering information for the latest book exposing this or that public figure or some great crisis of monumental importance that will be forgotten by the next news cycle.  The reporters who are exposing this or that infidelity or character flaw have a political agenda, to trash the candidate that the corporation they work for is opposing.  Remember, the news media is owned and operated by giant conglomerates that are owned by stockholders who want the bottom line - profits.  The news media are not public service organizations.  The candidates who will be of most use to the media corporations will be the ones treated most favorably.  Any candidate who opposes the status quo weather on the right or the left will be attacked by the media.  You want evidence, just look at the coverage of the 2016 Presidential election.

Friday, August 26, 2016

More on media bias

The massive corruption surrounding the Clinton Foundation is going largely unreported by the MSN, they have not assigned legions of investigative reporters to cover the daily revelations of pay for play deals made by the Clintons,  and they buy into every lame statement made by the candidate attempting to make light of her transgressions.  The MSN reveled in the conviction of Republican Governor Bob McDonald for accepting gifts from people dealing with his state, gifts that pale in comparison to the millions of dollars received by the Clinton Foundation in return for access, accommodation, and acquisition of fungible materials.  The level of corruption surrounding the Clintons is to say the least astounding, but it does not matter to the MSN she's a Democrat.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

IRS Abuse

If this happened in a Republican administration the liberal media would be all over the story, but it is not, therefore it is a non-story.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016

What is wrong with American cities? - the Democrats that run them.

I am not a Trump supporter, but he may be on to something when he says to African Americans in our inner cities - what has voting Democrat in election after election gotten you?

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Sexual Harassment?

Roger Ailes is in the news a lot lately, most recently in an article in the Washington Post by Kathleen Parker "Fox and friends with benefits" in which she chronicles Ailes's alleged sexual harassment of women who have worked for him over many years.  Ailes has lost his job as the head of Fox News as a result of the allegations.  There was no mention of Bill Clinton in the article, how can anyone write a article about sexual harassment in this day and age and not mention the former President who admitted having sexual relations with a 22 year old intern in the White House, the single most egregious case of sexual harassment in modern history.  President Clinton did not resign and did not lose his job, he was impeached by the Congress but not for sexual harassment, and continues to be admired and loved by members of his party and the media.  Roger Ailes has lost his job based on allegations he has denied and the media has roundly denounced him without benefit of due process, but such is the culture we live in today, media bias rules.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Venezuela is kind of like the US in some ways.

President Nicolas Maduro is using his executive powers to declare a state of economic emergency. By using a decree, he can legally circumvent Venezuela's opposition-led National Assembly -- the Congress -- which is staunchly against all of Maduro's actions.
Sounds like Obama's use of Executive Orders.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

MSM Keeps to its pro-Clinton/Obama Messaging

The headline in today's Wall Street Journal: "U.S. in Weakest Recovery Since '49";  page A11 in the Washington Post: "GDP during spring crept up just 1.2%";  Clinton and Obama claim the economy is just fine and will get better if Hilary is elected.

In case you missed it!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Mainstream Media Prepares for War

Get ready for the blood bath the mainstream media is going to unleash on Donald Trump, actually it has already started, compare the headlines in the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal this morning, July 22, 2016.  The Post:  "Trump portrays a nation in peril"; the Journal:  "Trump Makes His Case"; the Post editorializes on its front page and the Journal reports.  All semblance of objective journalism is gone from the leftist mainstream media and it will continue throughout this election.  Instead of providing information and facts the media will vilify, mock, and attempt to discredit Donald Trump at every opportunity while ignoring Clinton's record and lauding all the false promises she makes.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday, June 3, 2016

Media Bias on Display in the Washington Post (Democrat)

In its continuing effort to bolster the prospects of Democrats in the Fall elections the Washington Post ran this headline today:  "Job Market, at long last, shows signs of resilience", WOW that is really good news, but wait a minute, the Wall Street Journal reports that US companies slowed their hiring drastically in May to 38,000 and unemployment fell as people dropped out of the labor market.  Who to believe?

Monday, May 16, 2016

American Left Wing Stupidity

Checkout this 2013 article in Slate praising Hugo Chavez and is socialist revolution in Venezuela, it is reminiscent of the articles written for the New York Times by Walter Duranty praising the reforms instituted by Joseph Stalin.  After reading the Slate article check reliable new sources on what is happening in Chavez's socialist utopia today.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Apologist

The Washington Post proudly announces that Obama will be the first sitting President to visit Hiroshima, I wonder, will he apologize for that too?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Who is the reality TV Star?

Obama accuses Trump of being a reality TV star and says that being President is not a reality TV show, yet it is reliably reported that he has appeared on comedy and reality TV shows 51 times since 2007.   Does that qualify Obama as a reality TV star?

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Trump, Free Education and Lena Duhham

I have become an fan of Camille Paglia who writes for Salon and teaches at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, her straight talk and insightful commentary are a joy to read, especially after the drivel that appears elsewhere in the media.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Is living in the USA so bad?

If you listen to the candidates for President living in the USA is pretty bleak, but when you compare our standard of living to European countries its not so bad, so why would we want to be like them.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Bernie tells the truth

You may not like some of his policies but at least Bernie Sanders tells the truth about the economy unlike the DC establishment and their false 4.9% unemployment rate.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Single Payer Health Care?

I think I would be in favor of a single payer health care system in the US and I would be willing to pay more in federal taxes to fund it, but I have concerns.  Mainly, would the government run system be like the Veterans Administration Health Care System for US veterans?

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Is the media in the tank for Hilary?

Camille Paglia's thought provoking article raises some interesting questions and puts forth some ideas on how higher education should work.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Lame stream media is so lame

The so called mainstream media in this country is so lame that it really is the lame stream media.  John Lewis can stand-up in front of cameras and tell a lie and no one in the media bats an eye.  The congressman claimed that he never met Bernie Sanders during the civil rights movement of the 1960s but that he met Hilary and Bill Clinton during that time, yet in a biography of Bill Clinton Lewis is quoted as saying he first met Bill Clinton in 1991.  Lewis implied that Hilary and Bill were participants in the Selma Alabama march and other civil rights protests of the 60's but it is unlikely that either participated, Bill would have been 19 in 1965 and Hilary 18.  In another media lapse it is widely reported that South Carolina is heavily populated by African Americans when in fact, according to the U.S. Census Department they make up 27.8% of the population.  It maybe true that African Americans make up a large portion of the Democrat Party in South Carolina and that they will have a significant impact on that State's Democrat primary but they are far from a majority of the population.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

It's Starting to Unravel in Iowa

The ubiquitous reports of irregularities in the Iowa Democrat caucuses have forced officials in that state look closely into how Hilary Clinton came out on top in the delegate count.  Already, it is being reported that one delegate was arbitrarily taken form Sanders and given to Clinton, other such inexplicable actions are sure to follow, such as what exactly lead to the use of coin tosses in at least six other cases to determine who would be awarded delegates.  The Iowa primary was so close on the Democrat side that a swing of just a few delegates could alter the outcome and Hilary's a "win is a win" gloating could come back to haunt her, stay tuned.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Clinton Scandals will never end.

"What happened at the Democratic caucuses Monday night was a debacle, period."  This from the Des Moines Register, hardly a right wing publication.  It is pretty clear from all reports that many "irregularities" occurred Monday night in Iowa, but what is really galling is the pronouncement from Clinton supporters that a win is a win, and that sums up what Bill and Hilary Clinton are all about, "winning is not everything, its the only thing" no matter who or what gets in the way, and this is what die hard Democrats want to foist on the American people.