Sunday, June 25, 2017

What is it about the left and hyperbole?

Ruth Marcus in the Washington Post today wrote about the terrifying and terrible prospect of Anthony Kennedy retiring from the Supreme Court, really, terrifying?  This follows proclamations that millions will die following America's abandonment of the Paris Climate Accord or the repeal of Obama Care, really?  These types of alarmist declarations will do nothing to further the causes of the left because they will not come to pass.  People will continue to live and die as they always do, and New York City is not underwater as Al Gore predicted.  How about straight forward arguments and reasoned analysis, those have become anathema to the unhinged left in America.  The elitist left who look down from on high on the their inferior brethren believes the only way to win an argument is to scare the hell out of everybody.  

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Golden State Warriors Not Going to the White House?

This is what passes for journalism today:  Josh Brown of CNBC posted a story on the internet that the Golden State Warriors had unanimously voted not to accept an invitation to the Trump White House.  Brown stated that he had no idea if the report was true, he was just repeating what others had posted.
The report was completely false, the team had not even received an invitation to the White House according to team sources.  CNBC should fire this guy immediately.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Fast and Furious Congressional Report

It is nothing short of astounding that the news media in this country will not cover any criticism of the Obama administration.  Sharyl Atttkisson should have a national TV show.